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jumbo Fantasy Football Draft Boards



Bruno's Presents JUMBO Fantasy Draft Boards!

New in 2009, this Jumbo football draft kit will be the bomb at your draft party in 2010.

Reasons to order the Jumbo draft kit:

Huge labels 150% larger than competition's standard 1x4 label (see comparison). Allows your group to see the kit from further away.

For both small & large leagues Since we know some smaller leagues want the jumbo labels, 8 team leagues save $5. Larger leagues simply mount two boards next to each other revealing as many teams as your league needs.

More attractive draft board than others you may have used before. Not just black and white on newsprint paper. Check it out right here.

IDP's available.

Dimensions 62in tall x 42-84in wide, depending on your league size
(you can always cut unnecessary rounds off the bottom of the board)

8 team, 1 board $38
9-16 teams, 2 boards $43

  Order Now!

Bruno's Pricing Page






No more empty space on your board